I went home from the hospital, recovered for a week and went back to school. I thought everything could be the same. If I just took my meds, tried to get in 5 servings of fruits and vegetables on a low residue diet and got enough sleep I could keep this disease under control.
Two weeks later I was back in the hospital with a low grade fever, pain when I ate and no bowel movements for 12 hours. Possibly a blockage.
I was admitted right away, and the blockage cleared itself up a couple hours later. The doctors wanted to discharge me, but there was still that pesky issue of pain, and inflammation. When it hurts to eat something, or take a sip of water something is definitely not right.
IV steroids and clear liquids. Two weeks later still no improvement. A section of my small intestine was so scarred that it was sending blockage messages to my stomach, and causing pain whenever something came in.
The solution: surgery.
The plan: remove six inches of small bowel.
The reality: twelve inches of small bowel, my iliocecal valve, some colon, my appendix and the abscess came out. As well, my small intestine had been detached from my stomach and fallopian tube. Luckily they were able to do it laparascopically.
However, the first night after surgery my blood pressure was low and the nurse turned off my epidural. I always have low blood pressure, but we didn't know to argue this until we spoke with the pain management nurse the next day. That night was the worst night of my life. On the pain scale of 1-10, it was a 100. It also set my recovery back a couple of days, because once your pain gets out of control, it can only be brought down in increments - nothing can make it completely go away.
A week of recovery in the hospital, and then I was out. Tapering the steroids and ready to get back to normal again (hopefully!)
Thank goodness this happened over exam period and Christmas, so I could keep it on the down low.
Another New Normal
1 month ago
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