Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Hangover

Well, there is definitely one thing my intestines don't appreciate. And they always make sure to let me know the next day. Crohn's + Alcohol = not a happy tummy.

But, this is my no obligations week (after exams, before the summer job starts) so I'm not gonna let anything stop me from having an amazing time. I know you don't need alcohol to have fun, but it definitely makes things much more enjoyable.

Off to party now, this is night three of the streak. Maybe my intestines just need practise, and time to get used to the copious amount of alcohol they're dealing with.

What can I say, I'm in University!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Beginning

Today was my LAST EXAM!! I am finally done with second year!! This entire year has been such a rollercoaster, ups and downs in pretty much every area of my life. This term has been especially brutal with recovering from surgery, writing all of my exams from first term and just trying to get back on my feet.

I'm moving on Monday/Tuesday, and I'm going to take this as my new beginning. All of my pain, illness, hospitalizations, prednizone side effects and depression are associated with this house. I have the chance to pack up my life, move a couple of streets away and start over. This time, with a group of amazing and supportive people.

I'm going to turn over a new leaf. Continue on with this super-positive attitude. I've gotten my summer all sorted out, with three volunteer committments, a sign language class first term and two credit courses second term. I will also be working my job 17 hours per week, and setting my own hours.

This next week is going to be super busy for me, and that's exactly how I like it. Shopping, packing, partying and moving plus a couple of meetings for work.

And I recieved a fantastic piece of news this morning, which helped me go into my exam feeling super confident. In February I applied to be a volunteer counselor at Camp Oasis, a camp for kids with Crohn's and Colitis. They emailed to set up a time for an interview!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Boys Beware!

This post contains things that you may not want to read, unless you are female and can sympathize.

I am currently in the middle of my period, trying to study for exams and ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE!! I have awful, awful uterus cramps, which have sent an invitation to my intestines to join in too! So I have cramps on top of cramps, and it's a really weird/painful thing when you can tell where one set of cramps stops and another starts.

The uterus cramps have also triggered some D, which means that in addition to feeling like crap, I am also running to the bathroom several times a day.

And, since I have been banned for life from Advil I can only take tylenol. Advil used to be my godsend during my period, pop 2-3 pills 4 times a day and the cramps/backache are much reduced. However, since tylenol is not a NSAID (which is actually a good thing because I'm allowed to take it) it only helps with the pain and has no effect on the cramps themselves.

I don't know why the universe has to conspire against me to make exam time the most difficult and painful it could possibly be.

I'll just keep my rice-sock hot and do my best to make it through this week without killing myself or anyone else.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I'm moving soon! In just over a week actually! I love my new housemates. They're fantastic and fun and most of us are involved in the same type of things at school.

The one thing I'm struggling over is: to tell or not to tell.

Living with a group of people - especially friends is a pretty intimate experience. I could try to be nonchalant about the giant medicine box, and my about to explode daily pill box - shrug it off as vitamins? I only have minor symptoms, a little bit of pain that comes and goes, so that's not going to give me away.

The only thing I'm worried about is if I do take a turn for the worse. In that case I would want to have people around me that know what's going on. Since I am at a relatively good place now, is this really a concern?

I don't want to be a drama queen, regaling them with my medical horror story. I don't want to scare them away, or make them regret asking me to move in - which I know they probably wouldn't, but I can't help worrying about people's reactions.

I think I'm just going to wait and see. Once I'm actually living there, I'll be in a much better place to make a decision.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Warning: the post below contains somewhat questionable decisions. Do not read unless you can refrain from judging.

The other night, I hooked up with a friend of mine. At a work party (free drinks!). It started off innocently enough earlier in the day with a bit of joking, but add in alcohol and a meddling mutual friend and we get a drunken make out session. In my office.

I can't really decide if I regret it or not. On one hand, I had fun and I think it was exactly what I needed. On the other hand, it goes against my values, and the perception I have of myself.

This year, especially post-diagnosis my self-esteem has been all over the place. It's been hard, with way too many periods of isolation due to hospital stays and the depression that resulted.

It was an ego boost, knowing that someone thinks I'm gorgeous and wants me. It really helps to off-set the "damaged goods" mindset - even though the friend is unaware of my condition.

It also helped to cement the my break-up. Even though it's been about four months, I wouldn't be able to say that I'm completely over my ex. But I think this definitely helped me start to think of moving on.

It was a bit intoxication - the high it gave me. I was all smiles the night of, and the next day. Then the doubts set in. It could very well be addictive. But this isn't a pattern of behaviour that I really want to fall into. If I have to use others to constantly boost my self-esteem then I'll never really be able to stand on my own two feet. And I'm lucky that this was a friend, someone I know and feel comfortable with. I don't want to ever end up in this kind of position with a stranger - it could end badly.

Luckily, I think our friendship is still intact, and there isn't too much awkwardness. I can't take it back, so there's no use feeling bad about it. I just have to make sure this doesn't become a habit.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hey Canadians!

The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada is hosting a series of educational symposiums around the country! They feature a full day of speakers, touching on the latest trends of IBD. There is also a youth stream at each conference (FREE!!) I'll be there!

They are:

Edmonton (Alberta), April 17th
Halifax (Nova Scotia), April 11th
Kamloops (BC), April 17th
Ottawa-Gatineau (Ontario/Quebec), April 17th
Toronto (Ontario), April 25th

Check out CCFC & You Educational Symposiums for more information and to register.