"The wheel of time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again." - Robert Jordan
Maybe this quote is a bit overdramatic, but it has been two years since I last posted. Two long years, full of ups and downs and surprises. I'll give you a quick overview here, and then I'll take off with regular posts.
- graduated from university
- admitted to a grad program in speech pathology (literally, a dream come true)
- new boyfriend
- fabulous summer job (at the speech clinic where I volunteered for years)
- an amazing, supportive group of lady friends
- crohn's in remission!
- broke up with said new boyfriend (we dated for almost 1.5 years)
- moved home for the summer
- commuting to the fabulous summer job (40 min bus ride/train trip x2 per day)
- a stressful summer job (very high expectations, everything must be done in a specific way)
- went through 2 medications and some awful side effects to get into remission (remicade, then humira, now migraines)
But just to give a spot of good news at the end, like a sandwich, I have so much to look forward to now. Moving to a new city, new apartment, new program and new experiences. It's the change of scenery and the chance for independence that I've been waiting for. I am literally counting down the days until September 4th - my first day of classes!
Will give you lots more updates soon!
Another New Normal
1 month ago
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